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Geriausia iš natūralių

& Organic

Mūsų produktai gaminami tik iš aukščiausius standartus atitinkančių ingredientų, nes tikime, kad skanūs skanėstai neturėtų kainuoti jūsų sveikatos ar aplinkos.

Produktai, kuriuos būtina turėti, ir dar daugiau
Viskas, ko reikia, vienoje vietoje


AC Coldherba forte tea for immunity / respiratory tract, 20 teabags


Rose hips, elderberry, linden can help to maintain the normal functioning of the immune system.

Fennel fruit, Rose hips, linden blossoms can help maintain normal respiratory function.

Lemberg Keta Salmon Caviar, 100g / STORE COLLECTION ONLY


Of the greatest quality and value, Keta Caviar has the richest taste and distinctly bigger, gorgeous, succulent roe grain. This delicacy is rich in Omega –3 polyunsaturated fats. This efficiently designed glass jar is undoubtedly the best choice for those of our customers savouring the delicacy in small portions.

SEA SNACKS Dried strips of pink salmon fillet, 30g

Pradinė kaina buvo: €1.99.Dabartinė kaina yra: €1.79.

“Sea snacks” products are 100% natural, so all the useful substances of the fish remain.

Pagaminta Lietuvoje

VILNIAUS DUONA “Beatos Virtuve” dark bread with seeds, 300g


“Vilniaus duona” together with Beata Nicholson created a delicious, special taste, rich in grains and seeds. As much as 30% of the entire product consists of various grains and seeds (sunflower, pumpkin and flax seeds).

As Beata herself says – “this bread, like a cake, can be eaten simply by itself”.


"Natures Pocket

0 dienos 00 hr 00 min 00 sc