Geriausia iš natūralių
& Organic
Mūsų produktai gaminami tik iš aukščiausius standartus atitinkančių ingredientų, nes tikime, kad skanūs skanėstai neturėtų kainuoti jūsų sveikatos ar aplinkos.
06 MAMUKO porridge. Organic mix of oat, barley and raw buckwheat groats, 6+ months, 240g., 14 servings.
The grains in the Mamuko porridges are 100% organic and free of any supplementary vitamins, minerals, flavor enhancers, flavors, sugar or salt. Their overall preparation time is no longer than that of instant porridges.
Please remember that multi-grain porridge mixes should be introduced into a baby’s diet gradually. Therefore, we recommend this Mamuko porridge as the second kind of porridge for your baby to try out.
Please note that to make one serving of the porridge, you will need only 20 g (5-6 teaspoonfuls) of the tasty Mamuko porridge mix. One package yields 12-14 servings.RŪTA GREENZ PROTEIN CAPPUCCINO bar with chocolate and sweetener, 32 g
- High protein
- Gluten-free
- Contains no palm oil
03 MAMUKO porridge. Organic mix of buckwheat, rice and spelt groats, 6+ months, 240g,14 servings.
The grains in the Mamuko porridges are 100% organic and free of any supplementary vitamins, minerals, flavor enhancers, flavors, sugar or salt. Their overall preparation time is no longer than that of instant porridges.
Please remember that multi-grain porridge mixes should be introduced into a baby’s diet gradually. Therefore, we recommend this Mamuko porridge as the second kind of porridge for your baby to try out.
Please note that to make one serving of the porridge, you will need only 20 g (5-6 teaspoonfuls) of the tasty Mamuko porridge mix. One package yields 12-14 servings.RŪTA Freeze Dried Strawberries with milk chocolate, by weight, 100g
- Duona77 produktai
- Grikiai10 produktai
- Konservuoti produktai110 produktai
- Kalėdos14 produktai
- DRS mokestis2 produktai
- Fermentuotas4 produktai
- Maisto papildai139 produktai
- Vaisių juostelės10 produktai
- Švieži vaisiai ir daržovės2 produktai
- Dovanų idėjos56 produktai
- Grūdai, javai ir miltai60 produktai
- Sveikinimo atvirukai, knygos ir suvenyrai20 produktai
- Namų apyvokos ir higienos prekės33 produktai
- Namų prekės91 produktas
- Medus ir kiti bičių produktai44 produktai
- Intymios higienos priemonės14 produktai
- Džemas25 produktai
- Sultys, vaisių sirupas ir gėrimai58 produktai
- Mėsa64 produktai
- Riešutai, sėklos ir džiovinti vaisiai84 produktai
- Nafta17 produktai
- Kita13 produktai
- Milteliai52 produktai
- Produktai kūdikiams ir vaikams69 produktai
- Neapdorotas66 produktai
- Pardavimas81 produktas
- Šaltalankiai21 produktas
- Odos priežiūra ir grožis80 produktai
- Užkandžiai207 produktai
- Prieskoniai, žolelės ir saldikliai57 produktai
- Tik surinkimas iš parduotuvės174 produktai
- Saldumynai ir šokoladas218 produktai
- Arbata, kava217 produktai
- Virtualūs produktai1 produktas
HEMATOGENAS with vit C, source of iron (haematogenum), 45g
€1.79Hematogen with Vit C is a food supplement that is not only tasty, but also useful. Hematogen contains albumin of organic origin, which provides amino acids, lecithin, which is a component of cell membranes, and the most important component – divalent heme iron – one of the most important minerals for the human body. All types of Lithuanian hematogenous, in addition to albumin of organic origin, divalent iron, also contain vitamin C, group B vitamins. These vitamins improve the assimilation of iron and amino acids present in hematogenous blood, participate in the regulation of many biochemical processes in the body.
Hematogen is a special source of heme iron, the absorption of which is significantly better than from plant products. The supplement is intended to supplement the diet with iron.
Hematogen produced in Lithuania meets the strict requirements of the European Union.
UNIQA Mineral water carbonated, 1.5L
€1.69UNIQA Mineral water still, 1.5L
€1.69GALLINA BLANCA mushroom broth, 8 x 10g
€1.19GALLINA BLANCA beef broth, 8 x 10g
€1.09GALLINA BLANCA pork broth, 8 x 10g
€1.09GALLINA BLANCA chicken broth, 8 x 10g
€1.09GALLINA BLANCA chicken broth with dill and parsley, 8 x 10g
€1.19MANIJA Chocolate sweet bar with hazelnuts, 49g
€1.79GALLINA BLANCA vegetable broth, 8 x 10g
€1.09MARGARITA lip balm for sensitive skin with beeswax, 4.4g
€3.95MARGARITA 2in1 deodorant-antiperspirant with sage extract, 50ml
€4.69BALTASIS PYRAGAS PALANGA light rye bread, 800 g
€2.29The legendary “Palanga” bread based on an ancient recipe. Don’t miss the chance to enjoy the real taste of Lithuanian bread, which will take you to the sunny seaside and bring back the pleasant moments of your vacation.
HEMATOGENAS source of iron vita+ with flaxseeds, 50g
€1.79Hematogen Vita+ is a food supplement that is not only tasty, but also useful. Hematogen contains albumin of organic origin, which provides amino acids, lecithin, which is a component of cell membranes, and the most important component – divalent heme iron – one of the most important minerals for the human body. All types of Lithuanian hematogenous, in addition to albumin of organic origin, divalent iron, also contain vitamin C, group B vitamins. These vitamins improve the assimilation of iron and amino acids present in hematogenous blood, participate in the regulation of many biochemical processes in the body.
Hematogen Vita+ is special in that it is a source of heme iron, the absorption of which is significantly better than from plant products. The supplement is intended to supplement the diet with iron.
Hematogen produced in Lithuania meets the strict requirements of the European Union.
KLAIPĖDOS DUONA light bread with sunflower seeds / Plikyta duona su saulėgrąžomis , 400g
"Natures Pocket
Viskas, ką žinote apie B12, yra melas
Kodėl mėsos pramonė žudo mūsų planetą
URBANFOOD žaliaviniai milteliai - naudojimas ir receptai
Dabar ankstyvas pavasaris, o augalai dar tik pradeda leisti pumpurus ir dygti. Žemė vėl atgyja naujam gražiam ciklui. Atėjęs pavasaris reiškia, kad mūsų organizmas pradeda norėti daugiau šviežių vaisių ir salotų. Tačiau...