Geriausia iš natūralių
& Organic
Mūsų produktai gaminami tik iš aukščiausius standartus atitinkančių ingredientų, nes tikime, kad skanūs skanėstai neturėtų kainuoti jūsų sveikatos ar aplinkos.
Produktai, kuriuos būtina turėti, ir dar daugiau
Viskas, ko reikia, vienoje vietoje
AC oak bark loose tea, 50g
Loose oak bark tea to support the function of the digestive system.
Oak bark can help maintain the function of the digestive system in the presence of loose stools.
When applied externally, oak bark can help maintain skin and mucous membrane function.
Sudedamosios dalys: oak bark (Quercus robur) - 100%.
Usage: pour 200 ml of cold water over 1-2 teaspoons of oak bark and cover. Allow to steep for 20-25 minutes for the best properties of tea, then boil for 5-10 minutes, strain. Drink a cup of tea 3 times a day.
For external use, pour 2-3 tablespoons of oak bark in 150 ml of cold water and cover. Allow to steep for 20-25 minutes for the best properties of tea, then boil for 5-10 minutes, strain. Use externally as needed.
A varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.
Do not use in persons sensitive to tea ingredients.
Store in a dry, well-ventilated place.
Liquid Chlorophyll “Conifer elixir”, 1L
Chlorophyll is a plant pigment that stains the leaves green. Chlorophyll is perfectly absorbed by the human body.
Chlorophyll has anti-bacterial properties and can prevent infections from forming or getting worse. It protects healthy cells and makes your body stronger and better able to avoid disease. And this green antioxidant-rich pigment is great for improving mental clarity and reducing the effects of stress. Chlorophyll calms the nerves, allowing you to remain focused during hectic times. It helps oxygen travel through the bloodstream, giving you more energy and increasing brain function. It also boosts digestion, fights inflammation and aids our bodies and cognitive functions in many other ways.
Chlorophyll is extracted from plants (alfalfa, needles, algae, nettles, etc.) by industrial extraction. Various chlorophyll derivatives are obtained: copper, iron and sodium chlorophyllin. Sodium chlorophyllin is extracted from spruce. The conifer elixir contains 0.05% (5 mg per tablespoon) of Sodium chlorophyllin. It contains chlorophyll A and chlorophyll B derivatives, sodium salts of fatty acids and resin acids, various minerals (iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, calcium, sodium, cobalt, etc.).
For prophylaxis, it is sufficient to take chlorophyll in the morning, on an empty stomach, from 1 to 5 tablespoons in a glass of water. You can start with 1 tablespoon and gradually move up to 5 tablespoons.
This food supplement should not be used as a food substitute.
Net volume: 500 ml.
Container: plastic
AC Iceland Moss herbal tea 40g / Islandinė kerpena
Herbal tea to support respiratory and gastrointestinal function.
Sudedamosios dalys:
Iceland moss thallus ( Lichen islandicus ) - 100%.
Paruošimo instrukcijos: Place 1-2 teaspoons in a cup, pour 200 ml of boiling water and cover. Allow 10-15 minutes for the best qualities of the tea to be revealed, then strain. Drink a glass of tea 2-3 times a day.
Svarbu įvairi ir subalansuota mityba bei sveikas gyvenimo būdas. Negalima vartoti žmonėms, jautriems arbatos sudedamosioms dalims. Laikyti gamintojo pakuotėje, sausoje vietoje, žemesnėje kaip 25 °C temperatūroje.
Pakuotė 40g
100ml prepared tea / 100 ml prepared tea | At the recommended daily intake of 600 ml of prepared tea / 600 ml of prepared tea daily intake | |
Energy value | 2 kJ / <1 kcal | 9 kJ / 2 kcal |
Fat / fat | <0.1g | <0.1g |
Of which: | ||
<0.1g | <0.1g |
Carbohydrates | 0.09g | 0.54g |
Of which: | ||
<0.5g | <0.5g |
Proteins | <0.1g | <0.1g |
Salt | 0.0006g | 0.0036g |
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Krepšelis 1 “MAMUKO Organic rice porridge with fruits, 100g, 4+” - įdėtas į krepšelį
BASILUR Green tea MAGIC FRUITS assorted, 25 teabags / Best before 10.02.2025
BASILUR Green tea SPECIALTY CLASSICS Sencha, loose leaf, 100g / Best before 07.02.2025
"Natures Pocket
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