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Geriausia iš natūralių

& Organic

Mūsų produktai gaminami tik iš aukščiausius standartus atitinkančių ingredientų, nes tikime, kad skanūs skanėstai neturėtų kainuoti jūsų sveikatos ar aplinkos.

Produktai, kuriuos būtina turėti, ir dar daugiau
Viskas, ko reikia, vienoje vietoje


ZIGMAS Seaweed snack with chili, 5g


ZIGMAS roasted seaweed snack slightly seasoned with chili – Superfood from the sea with a lot of fiber.

AC herbal tea for men, 20 teabags


Herbal tea for men, supplemented with zinc, to support fertility and reproduction, sexual function, prostate, circulatory function.

  • Zinc helps to maintain normal fertility and reproduction, normal testosterone concentration in the blood
  • Chinese ginseng can help support sexual function.
  • Stinging nettle herb may help support normal prostate function.
  • Ginkgo biloba leaves can help maintain normal circulatory function.

AC herbal tea for menstrual support ”My Days”, 20 teabags

  • Sage leaves and sweet fennel fruit can help maintain a normal menstrual cycle.
  • Lemon balm leaves can help maintain normal nervous system function.
  • Sweet fennel fruit can help reduce abdominal cramps.

AC herbal tea for women 50+, 20 teabags



  • red clover herb
  • hop cones

Sage leaves, red clover herb, and hop cones can help support a woman’s normal well-being during menopause. Lemon balm leaves can help maintain normal nervous system function. Hop cones can help maintain the normal function of the nervous system and the quality of sleep.

AC Grace herbal tea for metabolism, 20 teabags



  • Senna leaves
  • Burdock roots can help maintain normal digestive system function and normal blood glucose levels.
  • Alder buckthorn bark and elderberry leaves can help support normal bowel function.

AC CORDYCEPS+ mushroom powder, 60 capsules


Pure lyophilized CORDYCEPS mushroom powder and herbal extracts. Cordyceps is one of the most well-known medicinal mushrooms.

Chinese cordyceps is a rare mushroom that grows in the mountainous areas of China, Tibet and Nepal. Chinese cordyceps has been used for more than 2000 years. It is rich in polysaccharides (glucans), fiber and other biologically active substances.

  • Real Reishi mushroom can help maintain normal immune system activity and normal circulatory function;
  • Common rapontic can help maintain normal stamina and normal physical performance.
  • red radiola can help maintain normal cognitive function and normal mental activity;

ACORUS Detoxoset herbal tea, 2gx30

  • COMPLEX HERBAL SOLUTION – the mix of 7 herbs that are balanced to detoxicate your body and improve metabolism through stimulation of the gallbladder, liver, and kidney. Burdock root, Blackcurrant leaves, Taraxacum root, Common horsetail grass along with all the other ingredients are well known and recommended for body cleansing.
  • HERBAL TEA PROGRAM TO IMPROVE HEALTH AND LOSE WEIGHT. Body DETOX is commonly the first step when trying to improve your basic health, lose weight, or improve the state of your skin. You are ridding your body of toxins and other harmful elements to prepare it for a healthier dietary regime.
  • IDEAL HERBAL TEA FOR MAN AND WOMAN. This product fits men and women who are looking for this complex solution: slimming tea for weight loss and fat burn.
  • 15 DAYS PROGRAMME FOR A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. Maintain good metabolism, healthy hepatic, and digestive tract function. Normalize your body functions by using Acorus DETOXOSET tea as herbal support for your healthy lifestyle. Thirty herbal tea bags that will last for 15 days will be a good supplement on a way to a slimmer and healthier body.
  • HIGHEST QUALITY HERBAL TEA PROGRAM. Our herbal teas uphold the highest EU quality standards. Applying the latest technology, our teabags contain no metal elements or glue, allowing you to taste the full spectrum of the tea leaves’ flavor. EASY TO USE. Easy-to-use herbal tea bags can provide powerful natural ingredients boost, every-where you need.

ACORUS Beauty herbal tea ● 15 Day Tea Program


15 Day Tea Program ● Rosehip may help alleviate the symptoms of common cold, replenish the body’s vitamin C stores, boost resistance to environmental effects (2g x 30)

  • Refreshing, fruit-flavour tea rich in “beauty” vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants needed to maintain healthy condition of skin, hair and nails
  • Rosehip may help alleviate the symptoms of common cold, replenish the body’s vitamin C stores, boost resistance to environmental effects.
  • Rose hip fruits are also known as the vitamin bomb. They are rich in vitamins, trace elements and flavanoids, which are the strongest antioxidants remove toxins from our body.
  • Rowan fruits are rich in vitamins and micronutrients: vitamin E and zinc that are needed for our skin, hair and nails.


AC REISHI mushroom powder, 60 capsules


Real Reishi mushroom helps to maintain the normal activity of the immune system and the normal  function of the blood circulation.

ACORUS Bronchus forte ● 15 Day Tea Program


Natural Herbal Tea which maintains The Upper Respiratory Tract Function ● 15 Day Tea Program

  • The main ingredient in Bronchus Forte tea Thyme is thought to have antibacterial, insecticidal, and possibly antifungal properties. Thyme is often used as a natural cough remedy.
  • Sage has a strong aroma and earthy flavor. Sage leaves have been shown to relieve sore throats, it tightens and tones the irritated and swollen tissue. It is also antibacterial and a natural antiseptic that is high in vitamin K, vitamin C, and vitamin A.
  • We have added oregano herb and fennel seeds in the tea. Tea with these aromatic ingredients not only smells great but also an antimicrobial and antiviral agent, if you feel a cold coming on, have a cup of hot soothing drink.
  • This herbal tea may help to relieve or shorten the duration of unpleasant Cold and Flu Symptoms.
  • 100% NATURAL. No artificial colors or additives. Caffeine and Sugar free.

Like never before, now it is necessary to take care of our respiratory tract health. During the cold season and during the rampant viruses, one of the most sensitive spots in our body is the upper respiratory tract.
Acorus has created a special herbal mix – Bronchus Forte that is an easy and simple way to strengthen your body.
Tea infusion can be used prophylactically or during the first symptoms: cough, sore throat.
This herbal tea may help to relieve or shorten the duration of unpleasant Cold and Flu Symptoms
100% NATURAL. Recyclable, Compostable, & Bio-degradable!
FREE FROM RANGE. No artificial colors or additives. Caffeine and Sugar-free.
SAFE. Made under pharmaceutical certification GMP and HACCP.
EXPERT MADE. Blend created by master herbalist and the team of pharmacists.

ACORUS Laxasen Herbal Tea · 15 days tea program to relieve constipation


15 days tea program to relieve constipation · Improvement of the intestinal system specially mixed tea with Senna leaves for easy laxative and reduce of gas (2g x 30)

  • 100% NATURAL. Recyclable, Compostable, & Bio-degradable!
  • FREE FROM RANGE. No artificial colours or additives. Caffeine and Sugar free.
  • SAFE. Made under pharmaceutical certification GMP and HACCP.
  • EXPERT MADE. Blend created by master herbalist and team of pharmacist

You are not alone. Constipation bothers millions of people around the world. It is characterized by infrequent bowel movements or difficulty having a bowel movement. It may also leave you feeling bloated. As stools are not moving regularly, they tend to get dry and it makes them difficult to pass. Nevertheless, there are simple ways to help yourself. One of the rules – the more hydrated you are, the better lubricated your intestines are and the more moisture remains in your stools. Drink more water or herbal tea with Senna leaves, which is well known for its laxative effect.

Senna leaves (Cassia senna) which is 63 %. Probably it is no longer news to anyone about the effectiveness of Senna leaves. Clinical trials have shown that Senna increases the frequency of bowel movements and is effective as a laxative for occasional constipation.

Peppermint leaves (Mentha piperita) and Chamomile flowers (Matricaria recutita) works sinergically and may relieve digestive symptoms, such as gas, bloating and indigestion. They relaxes your digestive system and may ease pain. It also prevents smooth muscles from contracting, which could relieve spasms in your gut.

Ingredients: senna leaves (Cassia senna) – 63 %, peppermint leaves (Mentha piperita) – 30 %, chamomile flowers (Matricaria recutita) – 7 %.

Preparation and use:
Add 200 ml of hot but not boiling water, on 1 teabag and cover. Allow the tea to brew for 10 minutes to reveal its best qualities, then strain. Consume one cup of tea 2 times daily.

ACORUS Woman care herbal tea, 2g x 30

  • A blend of herbs for a woman of any age. To relieve menstrual pain, menopause, uterine bleeding or other feminine disorders.
  • Yarrow herb help to relieve all the symptoms of feminine disorders, reduce bleeding and spasms. Melissa and hop cones have a calming and pain-relieving effect.
  • Can help with heavy and painful menstruation. Can help relieve tension and irritability.


"Natures Pocket

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