Geriausia iš natūralių
& Organic
Mūsų produktai gaminami tik iš aukščiausius standartus atitinkančių ingredientų, nes tikime, kad skanūs skanėstai neturėtų kainuoti jūsų sveikatos ar aplinkos.
Produktai, kuriuos būtina turėti, ir dar daugiau
Viskas, ko reikia, vienoje vietoje
VERI BERI mix of raspberry, strawberry, blueberry, cherry and black currant fruit stripes, box of 28 / VEGAN
Įvertinimas: 5.00 iš 5
Black Currant Ingredients: concentrated apple juice, concentrated apple puree, concentrated black currant juice (4%), gelling agent – citrus fruit pectin, citrus fruit fibre, natural flavour.
Cherry Ingredients: concentrated apple juice, concentrated apple puree, concentrated cherry juice (4%), gelling agent – citrus fruit pectin, citrus fruit fibre, natural flavour.
Strawberry Ingredients: concentrated apple juice, concentrated apple puree, concentrated raspberry juice (4%), gelling agent – citrus fruit pectin, citrus fruit fibre, natural flavour.
Raspberry Ingredients: concentrated apple juice, concentrated apple puree, concentrated raspberry juice (4%), gelling agent – citrus fruit pectin, citrus fruit fibre, natural flavour.
05 MAMUKO porridge. Organic rice groats, 4+ months, 240g, 14 servings.
The best porridge for your baby and child.
Ingredients: organic rice (100%). Contains no milk.
This product is made from thermally unprocessed grains, which makes this children’s favorite not only delicious. The patented grain technology rewards us with an exceptionally beneficial porridge and quick preparation time.
We know very well how important the first complementary baby food is. It has been proven that it is best to start complementary feeding with single-grain porridge, therefore we recommend choosing this porridge as the first porridge for your baby.
Please note that to make one serving of the porridge, you will need only 20 g (4-5 teaspoonfuls) of the tasty Mamuko porridge mix. One package yields 12-14 servings.
Pour 4-5 teaspoons of grain into 200ml of cold water and leave it for 5 minutes. Put on the cooker and stir while boiling for 4-5 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the pot with the lid on for a few minutes. Porridge can be diluted with breast milk or baby formula (for babies from 9 months can be diluted with boiled or pasteurized milk). You can also add 0,5 – 1 teaspoon of unrefined oil, vegetable, fruit and berry puree, or mashed fresh berries and fruits. For babies from 1 year porridge can be boiled with milk or broth. Attention! Carefully read and follow package instructions. Do not reheat!
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- Virtualūs produktai1 produktas
Krepšelis 1 “AC ŠIMKŪNAITĖ Tea for the nervous system, 70g” - įdėtas į krepšelį
SKANĖJA Porridge oatmeal with apples and cinnamon Quick and Tasty, 6x40g / Best before 27.12.2024
SKANĖJA Porridge oatmeal with peach Quick and Tasty, 6x40g / Best before 31.01.2025
"Natures Pocket
Viskas, ką žinote apie B12, yra melas
Neretai tenka išgirsti, kad kas nors klausia vegetarų ar veganų, iš kur jie gauna B12.
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