Geriausia iš natūralių
& Organic
Mūsų produktai gaminami tik iš aukščiausius standartus atitinkančių ingredientų, nes tikime, kad skanūs skanėstai neturėtų kainuoti jūsų sveikatos ar aplinkos.
HEMATOGENAS with vit C, source of iron (haematogenum), 45g
AC Dill seeds loose tea 50g / Krapų sėklos
- Duona77 produktai
- Grikiai10 produktai
- Konservuoti produktai110 produktai
- Kalėdos14 produktai
- DRS mokestis2 produktai
- Fermentuotas4 produktai
- Maisto papildai139 produktai
- Vaisių juostelės10 produktai
- Švieži vaisiai ir daržovės2 produktai
- Dovanų idėjos56 produktai
- Grūdai, javai ir miltai60 produktai
- Sveikinimo atvirukai, knygos ir suvenyrai20 produktai
- Namų apyvokos ir higienos prekės33 produktai
- Namų prekės91 produktas
- Medus ir kiti bičių produktai44 produktai
- Intymios higienos priemonės14 produktai
- Džemas25 produktai
- Sultys, vaisių sirupas ir gėrimai58 produktai
- Mėsa64 produktai
- Riešutai, sėklos ir džiovinti vaisiai84 produktai
- Nafta17 produktai
- Kita13 produktai
- Milteliai52 produktai
- Produktai kūdikiams ir vaikams69 produktai
- Neapdorotas66 produktai
- Pardavimas81 produktas
- Šaltalankiai21 produktas
- Odos priežiūra ir grožis80 produktai
- Užkandžiai207 produktai
- Prieskoniai, žolelės ir saldikliai57 produktai
- Tik surinkimas iš parduotuvės174 produktai
- Saldumynai ir šokoladas218 produktai
- Arbata, kava217 produktai
- Virtualūs produktai1 produktas
ESTVITA Šaltalankių aliejus FORTE 500mg, 60 kapsulių
€8.99Sea buckthorn Oil FORTE, 60 capsules
Sea Buckthorn Oil, 60 Capsules Dietary Supplement. A natural source of beta-carotene (antioxidant) and essential monounsaturated fatty acids (linolenic acid, linoleic acid, oleic acid). Generally strengthening and firming the body.
Sudedamosios dalys: 100% sea buckthorn berry and seed oil, capsules: edible gelatin, glycerine (humectant).
For adults, 3 capsules up to 3 times a day. The maximum daily amount (9 capsules) contains 2.4g of sea buckthorn oil. Do not exceed the recommended quantity. Do not use the supplement as a replacement for a varied diet. Not recommended for individuals with intolerance!
Sea buckthorn is rich in essential fatty acids (omega 7) and contributes very effectively to maintaining mucous membranes. It is a natural addition from the berries of the sea buckthorn plant. The sea buckthorn berry has been valued for hundreds of years and used as a source of nutrients. Sea buckthorn berry oil contains fatty acids of virtually all major series, omega-3, omega-7 and omega-9, and is exceptionally rich in palmitoleic acid (omega-7), which is rarely found in the plant kingdom.
Made in Estonia
RŪTA Black currants in dark chocolate, by weight, 100g
€1.99Fresh and aromatic black currants and dark chocolate are the perfect combination for those who value quality. Cocoa solids in chocolate – 43%.
RŪTA Cranberries in dark chocolate, by weight, 100g
€1.99Cranberries are berries with a sour taste, rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The combination of these berries with dark chocolate (50%) is characterized by a delicious combination of flavours.
RŪTA Candied orange peels in dark chocolate (55 %), by weight, 100g
€3.99Expressive candied orange peels with dark chocolate (55%) – a product that has become a classic. It is a combination of subtle bitterness and sweetness, characterized by a very pleasant citrus aroma.
RŪTA OAT MADE Chocolate (43%) with oat milk, 70g
Plant-based chocolate with oats – a creamy texture and a mild and subtly sweet taste.
RŪTA Milk chocolate with mango “Bumciai“, by weight, 100g
€3.49Sweet milk chocolate with refreshing mango granules is an ideal choice for those with a sweet tooth.
A piece of chocolate with expressive emotions will cheer everyone up. Grab the moody “Bumci” and tell him how you feel today! 4 label colors with different characters and wishes: “Smile!”, “Be brave!”, “Let’s hug!” and “Let’s be friends!”.
This sweet, round-shaped treat will pleasantly surprise young and old alike, longing for summer warmth and the exotic taste of mangoes. Mango granules give “Bumciai” a pleasant crunch. Taste with emotion!
ETNO Pleasure of fruits Fruit tea, 22 teabags
€2.50Sudedamosios dalys: Hibiscus flowers – 40%, wild berries – 31%, rose hips – 27%, peppermint leaves – 2%.
ŽOLYNĖLIS Summer Taste fruit tea with ginger and lemon, 20 teabags
€2.50ZOLYNĖLIS fruit tea with ginger and lemon 40g, (2g x 20) .
Sudedamosios dalys: Apple fruits – 27.3%, ginger – 20%, lemongrass – 10%, blackberry leaves – 10%, lemon peels – 7%, roasted chicory roots – 6%, thorn fruits – 5.5%, natural flavoring substances – 5.2%, acidity regulator citric acid – 5%, licorice roots – 4%.
ŽOLYNĖLIS Summer Taste fruit tea with black currants, 20 teabags
€2.50ZOLYNĖLIS fruit tea with black currants 40g, (2g x 20)
Ingredients: Hibiscus flowers, dried fruit mix 31% (apple fruit, rose hip fruit, elderberry fruit, blackcurrant fruit 2%), natural flavorings.
ŽOLYNĖLIS Summer Taste fruit tea with forest fruits, 20 teabags
€2.50ZOLYNĖLIS fruit tea with forest fruits 40g, (2g x 20)
Ingredients: Hibiscus flowers 36%, forest berries 29%, rose hips 25%, natural fragrances 8%, peppermint leaves 2%.
ŽOLYNĖLIS fruit tea with forest fruits for children, 20 teabags
€2.20ZOLYNĖLIS fruit tea with strawberries 40g, (2g x 20)
Ingredients: Roasted chicory roots, rose hips, raspberry pomace, natural flavoring, stevia leaves.
ŽOLYNĖLIS fruit tea with strawberries for children, 20 teabags
€2.50ZOLYNĖLIS fruit tea with strawberries 40g, (2g x 20)
Sudedamosios dalys: Rose hip fruits 35%, Strawberry fruits 33%, stevia leaves 2%, natural flavors 2%.
VALDO buckwheat roasted, 1kg
€2.99WHAT MAKES BUCKWHEAT SO SPECIAL? Buckwheat is considered one of the most useful food plants on earth. It has more minerals than most other cereals. Buckwheat is high in fiber, antioxidants and all the essential amino acids.
RICH IN MINERALS AND VITAMINS. Buckwheat is rich in copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins B3 and B2, iron, potassium, zinc, selenium and pantothenic acid (B5).
SOURCE OF FIBER. The fiber in buckwheat is released over a long period of time, thus giving a longer feeling of fullness compared to wheat or oats. Buckwheat has a lower GI index which does not cause large fluctuations in blood sugar levels.
"Natures Pocket
Viskas, ką žinote apie B12, yra melas
Kodėl mėsos pramonė žudo mūsų planetą
URBANFOOD žaliaviniai milteliai - naudojimas ir receptai
Dabar ankstyvas pavasaris, o augalai dar tik pradeda leisti pumpurus ir dygti. Žemė vėl atgyja naujam gražiam ciklui. Atėjęs pavasaris reiškia, kad mūsų organizmas pradeda norėti daugiau šviežių vaisių ir salotų. Tačiau...