Savaitės sandoris

Paskubėkite ir gaukite nuolaidų

0 dienos 00 hr 00 min 00 sc

Geriausia iš natūralių

& Organic

Mūsų produktai gaminami tik iš aukščiausius standartus atitinkančių ingredientų, nes tikime, kad skanūs skanėstai neturėtų kainuoti jūsų sveikatos ar aplinkos.

Produktai, kuriuos būtina turėti, ir dar daugiau
Viskas, ko reikia, vienoje vietoje


RISTVA rustic sausage, ~700-900g / kaimiska

6.18 - 11.33

Shelf life in days: ~20
Storage conditions: 0-(+15)°C

Pasirinkti savybes Šis produktas turi kelis variantus. Variantus galite pasirinkti gaminio puslapyje

KĖDAINIŲ borscht with boletus, 500g glass


KĖDAINIŲ Ukrainian borscht with various vegetables (beans, potatoes, carrots, onions), tomato paste. 1 jar for 3-4 servings of soup.

Made in Lithuania

KĖDAINIŲ Pickled Beetroots , 480g glass


The product is ready to eat. Suitable as a side dish for meat or fish dishes, as an ingredient for cooking other dishes.

Made in Lithuania

UTENOS Radler Mango Non-Alcoholic beer, 500ml


GO Pilsner non-alcoholic beer stands out and features light aromas of German and Czech hops. It is a smooth and balanced beer.


BORJOMI mineral water, 1L


A unique natural Sodium Hydrocarbonate mineral water with natural mineralization and carbonation. In its composition and therapeutic characteristics Borjomi is similar to French mineral water Vichy, due to which fact in the XIX century the Europeans called it accordingly – “the Caucasian Vichy”. Numerous researches testify to the fact that the mineral composition of Borjomi has not altered since 1830, the time of investigations starting.

Presently, Borjomi mineral water is identical to that bottled for the first time on the first factory of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich Romanov in late 19th century.

GAIDELIS KLASIKA biscuits, 160 g


GAIDELIS (rooster) KLASIKA biscuits – taste that needs no introduction and that no one has yet been able to replicate in Lithuania. These are the only biscuits that have not changed much since 1969, when the first GAIDELIS was baked. A whole generation grew up eating them and preparing the most delicious dessert after school –  spread butter, jam or cottage cheese on Gaidelis biscuits.


"Natures Pocket

0 dienos 00 hr 00 min 00 sc