Product categories
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Rodoma 1–24 iš 1536
01 MAMUKO porridge. Organic buckwheat groats, 6+ months, 240g, 12 servings.
€4.30The best porridge for your baby and child.
Ingredients: organic buckwheat (100%). Contains no milk.
The grains in the Mamuko porridges are 100% organic and free of any supplementary vitamins, minerals, flavor enhancers, flavors, sugar or salt. Their overall preparation time is no longer than that of instant porridges.
We know very well how important the first complementary baby food is. It has been proven that it is best to start complementary feeding with single-grain porridge, therefore we recommend choosing this porridge as the first porridge for your baby.
Please note that to make one serving of the porridge, you will need only 20 g (5-6 teaspoonfuls) of the tasty Mamuko porridge mix. One package yields 10-12 servings.
02 MAMUKO porridge. Organic mix of oat and corn groats, 6+ months, 14 servings
€4.30The best porridge for your baby and child.
Ingredients: organic corn (58,3%) and organic oats (41,7%). Contains no milk.
The grains in the Mamuko porridges are 100% organic and free of any supplementary vitamins, minerals, flavor enhancers, flavors, sugar or salt. Their overall preparation time is no longer than that of instant porridges.
Please remember that multi-grain porridge mixes should be introduced into a baby’s diet gradually. Therefore, we recommend this Mamuko porridge as the second kind of porridge for your baby to try out.
Please note that to make one serving of the porridge, you will need only 20 g (5-6 teaspoonfuls) of the tasty Mamuko porridge mix. One package yields 12-14 servings.
03 MAMUKO porridge. Organic mix of buckwheat, rice and spelt groats, 6+ months, 240g,14 servings.
€4.30The best porridge for your baby and child.
Ingredients: organic spelt (41,7%), buckwheat (41,7%) and rice (16,6%). Contains no milk.
The grains in the Mamuko porridges are 100% organic and free of any supplementary vitamins, minerals, flavor enhancers, flavors, sugar or salt. Their overall preparation time is no longer than that of instant porridges.
Please remember that multi-grain porridge mixes should be introduced into a baby’s diet gradually. Therefore, we recommend this Mamuko porridge as the second kind of porridge for your baby to try out.
Please note that to make one serving of the porridge, you will need only 20 g (5-6 teaspoonfuls) of the tasty Mamuko porridge mix. One package yields 12-14 servings.
05 MAMUKO porridge. Organic rice groats, 4+ months, 240g, 14 servings.
€4.30The best porridge for your baby and child.
Ingredients: organic rice (100%). Contains no milk.
This product is made from thermally unprocessed grains, which makes this children’s favorite not only delicious. The patented grain technology rewards us with an exceptionally beneficial porridge and quick preparation time.
We know very well how important the first complementary baby food is. It has been proven that it is best to start complementary feeding with single-grain porridge, therefore we recommend choosing this porridge as the first porridge for your baby.
Please note that to make one serving of the porridge, you will need only 20 g (4-5 teaspoonfuls) of the tasty Mamuko porridge mix. One package yields 12-14 servings.
06 MAMUKO porridge. Organic mix of oat, barley and raw buckwheat groats, 6+ months, 240g., 14 servings.
€4.30The best porridge for your baby and child.
Ingredients: organic oats (33,3%), raw buckwheat (33,3%), and barley (33,3%) . Contains no milk.
The grains in the Mamuko porridges are 100% organic and free of any supplementary vitamins, minerals, flavor enhancers, flavors, sugar or salt. Their overall preparation time is no longer than that of instant porridges.
Please remember that multi-grain porridge mixes should be introduced into a baby’s diet gradually. Therefore, we recommend this Mamuko porridge as the second kind of porridge for your baby to try out.
Please note that to make one serving of the porridge, you will need only 20 g (5-6 teaspoonfuls) of the tasty Mamuko porridge mix. One package yields 12-14 servings.
07 MAMUKO porridge. Organic mix of oat, raw buckwheat, barley, spelt and rye groats, 6+ months, 240g., 14 servings.
€4.30Ingredients: organic raw buckwheat (20,8%), barley (20,8%), spelt (20,8%), rye (20,8%) and oat (16,7%) . Contains no milk.
The grains in the Mamuko porridges are 100% organic and free of any supplementary vitamins, minerals, flavor enhancers, flavors, sugar or salt. Their overall preparation time is no longer than that of instant porridges.
Please remember that multi-grain porridge mixes should be introduced into a baby’s diet gradually. Therefore, we recommend this Mamuko porridge as the second kind of porridge for your baby to try out.
Please note that to make one serving of the porridge, you will need only 20 g (5-6 teaspoonfuls) of the tasty Mamuko porridge mix. One package yields 12-14 servings.
08 MAMUKO porridge. Organic mix of oat, raw buckwheat, barley, spelt and rye crushed grain, 12+ months, 240g., 10 servings.
€4.30The best porridge for your baby and child.
Ingredients: organic crushed wholegrain raw buckwheat (20,8%), barley (20,8%), spelt (20,8%), rye (20,8%) and wholegrain oat flakes (16,7%). Contains no milk.
The grains in the Mamuko porridges are 100% organic and free of any supplementary vitamins, minerals, flavor enhancers, flavors, sugar or salt. Their overall preparation time is no longer than that of instant porridges.
This Mamuko porridge is suitable for children one year or older.
Please note that to make one serving of the porridge, you will need only 25 g (6-7 teaspoonfuls) of the tasty Mamuko porridge mix. One package yields 8-12 servings.
09 MAMUKO porridge. Organic mix of oat, barley and raw buckwheat crushed grain, 12+ months, 240g., 10 servings.
€4.30Th best porridge for your baby and child.
Ingredients: organic crushed wholegrain raw buckwheat (41,66%), barley (41,66%), wholegrain oat flakes (16,68%). Contains no milk.
The grains in the Mamuko porridges are 100% organic and free of any supplementary vitamins, minerals, flavor enhancers, flavors, sugar or salt. Their overall preparation time is no longer than that of instant porridges.
These “Mamuko” grains are larger, so this porridge is suggested for children who are one year or older.
Please note that to make one serving of the porridge, you will need only 20 g (6-7 teaspoonfuls) of the tasty Mamuko porridge mix. One package yields 8-12 servings.
11 MAMUKO porridge. Organic oat groats, 4+ months, 240g, 14 servings.
€4.30Ingredients: organic oat (100%). Contains no milk.
This product is made from thermally unprocessed grains, which makes this children’s favorite not only delicious. The patented grain technology rewards us with an exceptionally beneficial porridge and quick preparation time.
We know very well how important the first complementary baby food is. It has been proven that it is best to start complementary feeding with single-grain porridge, therefore we recommend choosing this porridge as the first porridge for your baby.
Please note that to make one serving of the porridge, you will need only 20 g (4-5 teaspoonfuls) of the tasty Mamuko porridge mix. One package yields 12-14 servings.
AC baby powder with Lycopodium, 100g
€7.80Hypoallergenic skin care powder specially designed for delicate children’s skin, with protective zinc oxide, moisture-absorbing corn starch, skin-positive allantoin and lycopodium powder for gentle skin protection.
Dermatologically tested. Suitable for newborns.
AC Bearberry leaves herbal tea 50g / Meškauogių lapai
€2.50Bearberry leaves can help maintain bladder and urinary tract function.
Sudedamosios dalys: Bearberry leaves (Uvae ursi folium) – 100%.
Paruošimo instrukcijos:
Pour 150ml of boiling water over 1-2 teabags and cover. Leave for 5-10 minutes, drain.
Drink a glass of tea 3-4 times a day between meals.
Svarbu įvairi ir subalansuota mityba bei sveikas gyvenimo būdas. Negalima vartoti žmonėms, jautriems arbatos sudedamosioms dalims. Laikyti gamintojo pakuotėje, sausoje vietoje, žemesnėje kaip 25 °C temperatūroje.
Pakuotė 1,5 g x24
AC Bearberry leaves herbal tea, 24 teabags / Meškauogių lapai
€2.50Bearberry leaves can help maintain bladder and urinary tract function.
Sudedamosios dalys: Bearberry leaves (Uvae ursi folium) – 100%.
Paruošimo instrukcijos:
Pour 150ml of boiling water over 1-2 teabags and cover. Leave for 5-10 minutes, drain.
Drink a glass of tea 3-4 times a day between meals.
Svarbu įvairi ir subalansuota mityba bei sveikas gyvenimo būdas. Negalima vartoti žmonėms, jautriems arbatos sudedamosioms dalims. Laikyti gamintojo pakuotėje, sausoje vietoje, žemesnėje kaip 25 °C temperatūroje.
Pakuotė 1,5 g x24
AC Birch loose leaf tea 40g / Beržų lapai
€1.99Sudedamosios dalys: birch leaves (Betulae folium) – 100 %.
Paruošimo instrukcijos: Put 2-3 teaspoons of birch leaves, add 150 ml of boiling water and cover. Allow 10-15 minutes for the best qualities of the tea to be revealed, then strain. Drink a glass of tea 2-3 times a day, between meals.
Svarbu įvairi ir subalansuota mityba bei sveikas gyvenimo būdas. Negalima vartoti žmonėms, jautriems arbatos sudedamosioms dalims. Laikyti gamintojo pakuotėje, sausoje vietoje, žemesnėje kaip 25 °C temperatūroje.
Pakuotė 40 g
AC Broncho Herba with pine buds herbal tea 50g / su pušų pumpurais
€2.50Herbal complex to support respiratory function.
Sudedamosios dalys: pine buds (Pinus sylvestris) – 45%, thyme (Thymus vulgaris) – 35%, elderflowers (Sambucus nigra) – 20%.
Paruošimo instrukcijos: Place 1-2 teaspoons in a cup, pour 200 ml of boiling water and cover. Allow 5-10 minutes for the best qualities of the tea to be revealed, then strain. Drink a glass of tea 2-3 times a day.
Svarbu įvairi ir subalansuota mityba bei sveikas gyvenimo būdas. Negalima vartoti žmonėms, jautriems arbatos sudedamosioms dalims. Laikyti gamintojo pakuotėje, sausoje vietoje, žemesnėje kaip 25 °C temperatūroje.
Pakuotė 50g
AC Bronchoherba herbal tea for children 1.5g x 20 teabags
€2.95Herbal tea for children to support upper respiratory function.
Sudedamosios dalys: aniseed ( Anisi fructus ) – 50%, thyme ( Thymi herba ) – 25%, tube blossoms ( Verbasci flos ) – 25%.
Paruošimo instrukcijos: Place 1 teabag in a cup, pour 250 ml of boiling water and cover. Allow 10-15 minutes for the best qualities of the tea to be revealed, then strain. Drink a glass of tea 2-3 times a day.
Svarbu įvairi ir subalansuota mityba bei sveikas gyvenimo būdas. Negalima vartoti žmonėms, jautriems arbatos sudedamosioms dalims. Laikyti gamintojo pakuotėje, sausoje vietoje, žemesnėje kaip 25 °C temperatūroje.
Pakuotė 1.5g x20
AC Bronchos Lozenges with honey, 12pcs
€3.76- The leaves of plantain and eucalyptus can help maintain the function of the upper respiratory tract.
- Peppermint leaves can help maintain the normal functioning of the immune system, can help maintain healthy sleep.
- Vitamin C helps maintain the normal functioning of the immune system, protecting cells from oxidative damage.
AC Bronchos Lozenges with sage, 12pcs
€3.7620 herbal extracts + essential oils
With vitamin C
- Plantain, eucalyptus leaves, peppermint herb can help maintain upper respiratory function.
- Vitamin C helps maintain the normal functioning of the immune system.
- Vitamin C helps protect cells from oxidative damage.
AC Bronchos night herbal tea, 1.5g x 20 teabags
€2.95Sudedamosios dalys: primrose root (Primulae radix) – 30 %, melissa leaves (Melissae folium) – 25 %, peppermint leaves (Menthae piperitae folium) – 15 %, ribwort plantain leaves (Plantaginis folium) – 15 %, thyme herb (Thymi herba) – 15 %.
Paruošimo instrukcijos: Place 1 teabag in a cup, pour 150 ml of boiling water and cover. Allow 10-15 minutes for the best qualities of the tea to be revealed, then strain. Drink a glass of tea 2-3 times a day.
Svarbu įvairi ir subalansuota mityba bei sveikas gyvenimo būdas. Negalima vartoti žmonėms, jautriems arbatos sudedamosioms dalims. Laikyti gamintojo pakuotėje, sausoje vietoje, žemesnėje kaip 25 °C temperatūroje.
Pakuotė 1,5g x 20
AC Bronchos tablets for sore throat with Icelandic moss (suitable for kids), 24pcs
€4.49With sweeteners
Iceland moss, small-flowered tube flowers and geranium roots can help maintain the function of the upper respiratory tract, can help with irritation of the throat and vocal cords.
Vitamin C helps maintain the normal functioning of the immune system, helps protect cells from oxidative damage, helps reduce fatigue.
AC Burdock root loose tea, 50g / Varnalėšų šaknų
€2.50Burdock root (Arctium lappa) herbal tea for the digestive system / urinary tract
Burdock roots can help maintain gastrointestinal function, bladder and urinary tract function.
Sudedamosios dalys: burdock root ( Arctium lappa ) – 100%.
A varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.
Do not use in persons sensitive to tea ingredients.
Store in a dry, well-ventilated place.
AC calendula tea, 24 teabags
€2.50Calendula flower tea to support the function of the upper respiratory tract. When used topically, calendula tea can help maintain the normal condition of the skin, mouth and pharynx.
Sudedamosios dalys: calendula flowers (Calendula officinalis) – 100%.
Use: pour 150 ml of hot but not boiling water over 1 packet of marigold flowers and cover. Allow to steep for 5-10 minutes for the best properties of tea to unfold, press the teabag. Drink 150 ml of warm tea 2-3 times a day.
For external use, pour 150 ml of hot but not boiling water over 1-2 sachets of marigold flowers and cover. Allow to steep for 5-10 minutes for the best properties of tea to unfold, press the tea bag. Use externally as needed.
AC calendula tea, 30g / Medetka
€2.50Calendula flower tea to support the function of the upper respiratory tract. When used topically, calendula tea can help maintain the normal condition of the skin, mouth and pharynx.
Sudedamosios dalys: calendula flowers (Calendula officinalis) – 100%.
Use: pour 150 ml of hot but not boiling water over 1 packet of marigold flowers and cover. Allow to steep for 5-10 minutes for the best properties of tea to unfold, press the teabag. Drink 150 ml of warm tea 2-3 times a day.
For external use, pour 150 ml of hot but not boiling water over 1-2 sachets of marigold flowers and cover. Allow to steep for 5-10 minutes for the best properties of tea to unfold, press the tea bag. Use externally as needed.